
Choosing the right type of college

Senior year of high school is one of the best and most stressful years of your education. You’re finally top dog at your high school and you’re getting ready for all the fun senior activities, trips, and even prom. It’s not all fun and games, however, because senior year you need to figure out where you want to apply to and fast.

The good and bad news is that you have options. Over 3000 options for higher education to be exact. So how do you choose? Well look below to find out the methodology we recommend when looking for the right college:

In or Out of State?

This is probably one of the more easier questions to ask yourself. It will help you narrow down your choices from the entire country to possibly just your home state. There are many advantages to going to college within your state. Instate students often get to go to local colleges at a discounted price, and they also have access to scholarships available only to instate students.

Unfortunately, you’ll mostly likely get a lower price at public colleges. If you get into a private college within your state, you could get charged the full price. However don’t let the price of a private university scare you. Many times going to a private college can be cheaper than going to a public university, because private colleges ofter more scholarships.

What Size College?
So colleges can range in size from a couple thousand people to over 50,000 students alone.

Community College

While the cost will vary from a community college, the average costs for in state tuition can run anywhere from a few thousand dollars for in state tuition up to twenty or thirty thousand dollars for out of state students. The benefits to community college are that you aren’t pay as much of a bill. And, when you consider the first year or two of classes will actually be the same material as what you would get in the first year or two of a major institution, you are receiving the same education for far less money. The best way to apply to community colleges would be on the individual level as some community colleges may still even use paper applications. And while most community colleges are on the same academic calendar as any other higher education institution, many are desperate for students and will run on a rolling admission bases. Basically, you apply when you want to go and you will be ready to start the next semester.

Private College

The average private college can easily cost into the mid forty thousand dollar range, and the projections have the average private university hitting into thr fifty thousand per year range within the next few years. While the benefits are having access to a prestigious alumni group, being able to use the best facilities, and even having the chance to learn from some of the top minds in their respective field, the cost to benefit ratio is sometimes called into question especially for the middle of the road students. Applications to top private schools are often screen fairly cautiously, so the sooner you can start planning the better (and sometimes as much as a year or two in advance would be good for planning purposes). Applications should be done at the individual level just so that you can verify every question and answer is tailored to the university’s potentially rigorous process, but oftentimes as long as you meet minimum standards and are willing to put up the money you should be set.

Public College

The cost for a general public college or university can easily reach into the mid twenty thousand per year range, and many are into the low thirties. While cheaper than private colleges, they are generally still far more expensive than the community colleges. The benefits of public colleges is that there is traditionally far more funding available, as well as the fact that more resources are available seeing as total enrollment is usually highest at public universities. The application process is consistently average in that there is usually room for more students so long as you get your application in within a standard timeframe of at least a semester (or two) before a session starts. Along with general name recognition of a public university, you have access to a wide alumni network and job opportunities.

Online College

While still trying to gain traction and credibility, there are some online colleges that are worth every penny they charge if not more. However, the average cost can sometimes run into the five figures per year, which is extremely expensive when you consider you aren’t using a dorm, you aren’t including food, and you aren’t even using a classroom or stepping onto a campus. The benefits of an online college is typically the flexibiliy so long as the university is accredited. And, while there are some bad eggs in the bunch and some for profit universities, there are also some tremendous opportunities to learn while still working a full (or part time) education into your already hectic life.


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