What Is a Rolling Admission? The Advantages of Rolling Admissions

Rolling admission schools are a great opportunity for students to apply early for the school of their dreams and get an early response.

In addition to the many advantages that this process offers the students, this process is used by a huge number of elite colleges, giving the students numerous options and bigger chances of getting admitted. Keep reading Just For College to find out more.

What Is a Rolling Admission?

Rolling admission is a policy followed in many universities and colleges, in which the admission board of your desired college reviews your application as they receive it. Unlike the traditional admission where the school waits until a specific deadline to evaluate all the applications.

The admission board will keep on evaluating applications until all the slots for their upcoming classes are filled. And unlike early decision and early action, when it comes to rolling admission, you do not get to choose as certain colleges prefer to run their admission process that way.

Advantages of Rolling Admission

There are plenty of advantages when it comes to rolling admission. This is because it offers you a better chance to get into the school you want. Here are some of the advantages of rolling admission.

1. Better Chance of Getting Accepted

You still need to have a strong application to get into the school you want. However, applying early during a rolling admission cycle can raise your chances of getting accepted as most of the slots are still available.

2. Enjoy Your Senior Year with Less Stress

The good thing about rolling admission is that it allows you to send in the application as early as you can, meaning that you will most likely find out if you got accepted or not earlier in your senior year. Which can save you the stress of waiting during spring.

3. More Time to Work on Your College Application

As students tend to apply for so many colleges at the same time, colleges with rolling admission allow you a considerable amount of time to finish your application as there is no hard deadline.

This allows you to apply for the schools on the top of your list with early action applications, and then apply for colleges with rolling admission afterward. While allowing yourself more time to work on your applications in the winter and spring.

4. Get Your Financial Aid and Scholarships Early

We observed at Just For College that you can get accepted for scholarships even if you are not eligible for them by applying early, this is because not a lot of applications are being considered at the same time. While your scores might be less than other applicants, if you apply before they do, you can receive the award as well as them.

To do so, you need to check if the school you are applying for has any scholarship deadlines as they might have separate hard deadlines for the scholarships. This is also the case for financial aid. The sooner you apply, the bigger your chances are of getting the award.

5. You Can Apply After Meeting Other Deadlines

The flexibility of rolling admission is quite helpful as it allows you all the time you need to apply for regular admission schools that have a strict deadline. So you can finish your other applications first.

However, this is not recommended as you should always apply as early as you possibly can because it maximizes your chances of getting accepted.

6. Quick Results

When it comes to colleges with rolling admissions, you usually receive a response within six weeks of applying. Which gives you a lot of time to figure out your plans.

If this was the school you wanted, then you do not need to apply anymore, and if it is not, then you still have plenty of time to apply for other schools with no rush.

7. Fewer Applicants

The nice thing about rolling admission is that it reviews your application once it is received. Meaning that there will not be any competitive applications to compare yours to.

The admission board will review your application and decide if it meets their standards or not and then decide whether to grant you a spot in their school or not.

How to Apply for Colleges with Rolling Admission?

There is no special App that should be used for applying through rolling admission. The process is the same as applying for any other school with a deadline for the application, except with rolling admission, there is no deadline.

There is, however, a number of available slots that the school will keep accepting applications for until they are full.

Applicants can send their applications through the Common App or the Coalition App. However, they should also check if the school has its own application portal.

What Schools Use Rolling Admission?

If you decide to apply for a school that uses rolling admission, then you will be surprised by how many amazing schools use this process.

As rolling admission schools allow you the flexibility to take your time to work on the application before submitting it, it maximizes your chances of getting accepted. Some of the top rolling admission schools include the following:

  • Washington State University
  • Humboldt State University
  • University of Tulsa
  • University of Alabama
  • Lynn University
  • Indiana University – Bloomington
  • Florida Gulf Coast University
  • University of Colorado – Denver
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • University of Central Florida
  • Johnson and Wales University
  • Brooklyn College, City University of New York
  • University of Maine
  • New College of Florida
  • La Salle University
  • Arizona State University
  • Eckerd College
  • Michigan State University
  • Florida Atlantic University

Applying for rolling admission schools is a great choice for students as it allows them plenty of time to work on their applications and submit the urgent ones first.

It also allows them early responses within six weeks. However, it is always recommended to apply for the school you want as early as you can to maximize your chances of getting accepted.


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